Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day

As a flower farmer in North Carolina, I’ve often felt that Valentine’s Day comes at the wrong time of year. Nothing is in bloom on the farm (except for a handful of enthusiastic poppies- god bless ‘em), it’s a temperamental time of year weather-wise, and I’m typically in a bit of post new year mental fog. But this year, I am so grateful that this Hallmark holiday is popping up at a time when I find I most need to be reminded of love, and the importance of taking a day (a moment, a breath) to just honor and acknowledge the existence of it.

I've been in Asheville for an extended stay, spending time with family, with myself, reconnecting with friends, and revitalizing the deepest parts of my soul through music. Most profoundly, I’ve been moved by the sweet, tender love songs the Western North Carolina community sings to one another as they rebuild and restore their lives in the wake of Mother Nature’s violent fury. It is vast, beautiful, heartbreaking, and glorious to behold. I feel as though I am bearing witness to a living Valentine—and I am humbled in ways that are both necessary and deeply precious.

Wishing you all a Happy Valentine’s Day, however love finds its way into your heart. Hold it close. Share it freely. We are nothing without it.

Love, light, and more love,

Rebecca, Raimee, and the Blawesome Crew

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