For the first time since Blawesome’s inception, our Mother’s Day orders were assembled, picked up, delivered, and shipped by 6pm today. Needless to say, I am tired. But I am OH.SO.GRATEFUL. It has been a season of hard transitions, endless work, worry, and peripheral challenges. But we have an extraordinary community at our side, supporting our vision, our work and our partnerships. We have a new team that jumped all in, got sweaty, got their hands really dirty, tried new things, tolerated my frequent grumpiness, volunteered to stay late and help take the load off, and Raimee- ever the champion- showing up early to the farm every day to get set up, move on the harvest, planting, and seeding to keep our operation in motion. (He had an excellent teacher in Lauren Blythe.)
I’m now sitting in the chilly studio, surrounded by the detritus of the weeks’ work, trying to summon the motivation to clean up the floral explosion that exists around me, and instead, I’m having a beer, listening to good music, and reflecting on how lucky I am to do this work.
Tomorrow is Mother’s Day. I will sleep late, drink mimosas, read my book, and, at some point, return to the studio to make it a respectable and productive space for the week ahead. But tonight, I’m going to let the chaos of this space be a sweet reminder of the commitment, love, and joy I get to experience as a social care farmer in the best corner of the planet. I value and deeply appreciate everyone who has in any way shown our farm care over the years.
You are all mothers to me, and I am sending out an abundance of appreciation, BIG hugs, and my wishes that you have a day completely filled with peace and hopefulness, inspiration and light.
Happy Mother’s Day.