Just As I Am

Just As I Am

I’m not letting go
Said one leaf to its neighbor
I’ve held to this branch
And I’m bound to my labor
I’ve held my position
I’ve weathered the thunder
I’ve mastered the art
Of not going under
Despite the harsh wind
And the challenging weather
I’ve held to this branch
And I value my tether
I’m grateful to see
My sweet friends change their color
And fall to the earth
And dance with each other
I’ve watched as they moved
And adopted new hosts
And altered their beings
Became useful composts
Their shift is important
It’s thoughtful and wise
But I’m holding fast
Come wind and dark skies
It’s part of my nature
This branch, and this tree
It’s home to my heart
It’s what makes me “me”
And when cold took the last
Of her leaf friends from view
She dared to look down
And take careful review
What she saw was not brittle
Or shriveled and mean
But rather un- leaflike
And pointy and green
Sharp at her edges
And less colored or wispy
She found she was solid
Still verdant, less crispy
I’m not meant to travel
Or change with the season
I’m a perennial being
She said, “That’s the reason.”
And then lingered on thoughts
And a slight melancholy
In knowing her path was not leaf
It was holly.
Wishing you a season of peace and self-acceptance-and the ability to embrace your sharp edges and still find joy and beauty in the journey.
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